Insightful Videos and Audios

  1. The Sad Reality of the Modern High-Tech Capitalistic, Materialistic, Consumeristic, Secularistic and Globalized Society. A reminder… 
  2. Why Study Psychology?
  3. Timeline of Psychology
  4. The History of Psychology 
  5. We Need to Talk and Care More About Mental Health More Often!
  6. Timeline of Psychology (History of the Pioneers of the Science of Psychology)
  7. Why Yoga is more than just Spiritual Gymnastics
  8. What is Mental Health? Definitions and meaning of Mental Health
  9. 10 Common Mental Illnesses Crash Course
  10. Counselling – What is Counselling? 
  11. What is Counselling? 
  12. How Psychotherapy Works
  13. The Story of Human (Natural) Rights and the United Nations – Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
  14. Autism Awareness Documentary
  15. Dr. Romesh’s 2017 Year in Review – Facebook
  16. In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts – Dr. Gabor Mate
  17. Addicted to Ideology? With Dr. Gabor Mate
  18. How Our Childhood Shapes Every Aspect of Our Health with Dr. Gabor Mate
  19. Toxic Culture – How Materialistic Society Makes Us – Dr. Gabor Mate
  20. The Power of Addiction and The Addiction of Power: Dr. Gabor Maté at TEDxRio+20
  21. Trauma, Healing and The Brain: Community Learning Event, Dr. Gabor Mate
  22. Dr. Gabor Maté on ADHD, Bullying and the Destruction of American Childhood
  23. Dr. Gabor Maté: Parental Stress and Its Impact on Kids
  24. Dr. Gabor Mate on Attachment and Conscious Parenting
  25. Dr. Gabor Mate on Motions, Stress, and Illness
  26. Dr. Gabor Maté – Why Capitalism Makes Us Sick
  27. Dr. Gabor Mate – How Emotions affects our Cognitive Functioning?
  28. Dr. Gabor Mate – The Roots of Healing
  29. How Sickness Happens – Dr. Gabor Mate
  30. Food For Thought: How Your Belly Controls Your Brain | Ruairi Robertson | TEDxFulbrightSantaMonica
  31. How Not to Screw up your Kids – Dr. Gabor Mate
  32. Should Parents Protect their Children from Devices? – Dr. Gabor Mate
  33. Dr. Gabor Mate – How Stress can Cause Disease
  34. Dr. Gabor Mate – When the Body Says No – Mind/Body Unity and the Stress-Disease Connection
  35. The Need for Authenticity – Dr. Gabor Mate
  36. Dr. Gabor Mate – Self Love
  37. How to Work with Youth – Dr. Gabor Mate
  38. Trauma, Healing and the Brain: Community Learning Event, Dr. Gabor Mate
  39. Dr. Gabor Mate – Compassionate Inquiry
  40. Your Gut (Microbiome) and your Brain 
  41. Top 15 Foods To Boost Brain Power
  42. Top 10 Healthiest Foods
  43. Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck
  44. Mental Health Hijackers – Why food and nutrition is vital for a healthy mind, anxiety, & mood
  45. The Science of Psychotherapy – Q&A: The science of mindfulness and the default mode network
  46. Graeme & Dr. Romesh Jayasinghe on World Suicide Prevention Day 10 September 2018 – TNL Lite87 FM Radio
  47. Counsellor’s Skills – Video Demonstration in Sinhala Language in Sri Lanka
  48. Addiction Counselling for Beginners
  49. Behavioural Addictions for Beginners
  50. Suicide Prevention for Beginners
  51. Trauma Resolution for Beginners
  52. Boundaries for Beginners
  53. Real Recovery for Beginners
  54. Co-Dependency for Beginners
  55. Psychiatric Illness for Beginners
  56. Click the audio link Play Button below to listen to “Nyansapo: The Wisdom Knot” – The World Peace Song –Sapient by Steven Chesne, Digital Album 2017, 10 Different World Traditions’ Chants of Peace and the Oneness of Mankind – They are all interwoven into a glorious six minutes long musical mashup of sound and music therapy. Enjoy!
  57. The Amazing Power of Your Mind – A MUST SEE!
  58. What is Psychotherapy?
  59. What is a Life Coach? – Kirsten Johnson
  60. What is a Marriage or a Relationship Coach? – Kim Bowen
  61. What is Mental Health Recovery?
  62. What is Integrative Medicine?
  63. San Diego Health: What is Integrative Medicine?
  64. What is Integrative Mental Health?
  65. What is Child Mental Health?
  66. Dr. Dan Siegel – How to Successfully Build an “Integrated” Child
  67. Aesthetics in Primary Education (in Sinhalese language) by Prof. Lakshman Madurasinghe, Chartered Architect Ranga Soysa and Dushanthi Devika 
  68. Children’s Mental Health Disorders – A Journey for Parents and Children
  69. Psychotherapy: Dr. John Bowlby and Attachment Theory
  70. Psychotherapy: Dr. Donald Winnicott and Object Relations Theory and Developmental Psychology.
  71. Psychotherapy: Dr. Jacques Lacan – Anxiety and the Mirror Stage
  72. Psychotherapy: Anna Freud – Defense Mechanisms and Child Psychoanalysis
  73. Psychotherapy: Melanie Klein – Analysis of the Child and Play Therapy
  74. Defining Cognitive Therapy – Dr. Judith Beck, Ph.D.
  75. What is CBT?
  76. What is CBT – Making Sense of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  77. What a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Session Looks Like
  78. Bereavement and Loss Counselling: Working with Grief
  79. The Power and Health Benefits of Music Therapy by Dr. Upul Ajith Kumara in Sinhala
  80. The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro
  81. The Science of Mindfulness – Professor Mark Williams examines the neuroscience of mindfulness
  82. 6 Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation
  83. The Brain-Changing Benefits of Exercise | Wendy Suzuki
  84. The Benefits of Meditation – 40 Advantages of Meditation
  85. Mindfulness Meditation – Guided 10 Minutes
  86. Morning GRATITUDE Meditation Guided | Best 12 Minutes
  87. Peace – Powerful Guided Meditation By Sadhguru
  88. Daily Calm | 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation | Be Present
  89. Morning I AM Affirmations to START YOUR DAY! 21 Day Challenge
  90. 42 Morning Affirmations [KICK-START YOUR DAY!]
  91. Prof. Mark Williams talks about Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Depression
  92. Mindfulness and Neural Integration: Dr. Daniel Siegel, MD
  93. Are we our Mind? Dr. Dan Siegel at TEDxPrague 2013
  94. “I AM what I CHOOSE to become” – Carl Jung Wisdom
  95. The 4 Important Laws of Growth (PAY ATTENTION)
  96. LIFE ALTERING SPEECH | Dr. Bruce Lipton
  98. Dr. Bruce Lipton: LISTEN TO THIS EVERYDAY (Very Powerful Speech)
  99. Dr. Bruce Lipton: Learn How To Control Your Mind (very motivational)
  100. Rewrite Your MIND (40 Million Bits/Second) | Dr. Bruce Lipton “It Takes 15 Minutes”
  101. A Neuroscience Love Song -Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a musical look at your brain on love
  102. After Watching This, Your Brain Will Not Be The Same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver
  103. Daniel Gilbert: The Surprising Science of Happiness – TED2004 (author of “Stumbling on Happiness”)
  104. Neuroscientist REVEALS How To COMPLETELY HEAL Your Body & Mind! | Caroline Leaf & Lewis Howes
  105. How to Find Meaning in Life with Clara Hill, Ph.D. – Audio Only
  106. The Secret 2006 Full Movie HD 720p – LAW OF ATTRACTION
  107. The Moses Code – Beyond The Secret – (Full Version)
  108. The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life
  109. Rewiring the Anxious Brain – Neuroplasticity and the Anxiety Cycle
  110. Better Brain Health | DW Documentary
  111. Movement is Medicine | William Pullen | TEDxRNCM
  112. You Can Grow New Brain Cells. Here’s How | Sandrine Thuret
  113. What is Epigenetics? – Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna
  114. Epigenetics & Personal Health: Can We Control Our Own Future? | Matt Riemann
  115. Answering 20 Questions about COVID-19, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), April 2020, USA
  116. How to Protect Yourself Against Coronavirus (COVID-19) | MedBridge, March 2020
  117. How the Pandemic Affects the Mental Health of Young People | DW News
  118. DOCUMENTARY: On the Frontline of Youth Mental Health
  119. Leap Of Faith (HD) | Documentary On Mental Health (Suicide)
  120. Kids in Crisis – BBC Panorama
  121. Mental Health and Wellness During a Pandemic – Dr. Peter Yellowlees
  122. Leaders Need IQ, EQ and also SQ
  123. Buddha Quotes on Life | Best Short Quotes Ever About Life
  124. Natural Supplements and Treatments for Anxiety- What the Research says about Supplements for Anxiety
  125. Holistic Approach to Mental Health Treatment
  126. 10 Ways to Treat Anxiety Naturally and WITHOUT Medications!
  127. Is Mental Illness Curable?
  128. Can Depression Be Cured?
  129. Lift Depression With These 3 Prescriptions- Without-Pills | Susan Heitler | TEDxWilmington
  130. How To Get Rid of Loneliness and Become Happy | Olivia Remes | TEDxNewcastle
  131. How to Make Diseases Disappear | Rangan Chatterjee | TEDxLiverpool
  132. Your Gut Microbiome: The Most Important Organ You’ve Never Heard Of | Erika Ebbel Angle |
  133. Plants, the Microbiome, and Mental Health | Christopher A. Lowry | TEDxMileHigh
  134. How to use Quantum Physics to Make Your Dreams Your Reality | Suzanne Adams | TEDxUNO
  135. Quantum Biology | Explained by Jim Al-Khalili
  136. Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis – Psychotherapy
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