Certificate Course in General Psychology – 36 Hours

Certificate Course in General Psychology – 36 Hours

Course Title                             :           Certificate Course in General Psychology

For whom (target group)  :           Human psychology is the most mysterious part of human life. Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and the mind and how it works or its functions. This General Psychology course covers the basic concepts and theories of human psychology.

In this course, you will learn various theories of psychology along with the concepts of cognitive theory and developmental psychology. You will explore why people act differently. The concepts of perception, attention, memory and thinking will also be covered in the course. You will be amazed to

Upon completion, you will be knowledgeable about the essential concepts of general psychology and also be able to continue your studies to the more advanced level courses in general and applied branches of psychology.

Entry Requirements:       School leavers and anyone with a minimum of G.C.E. O/L or A/L’s and age not less than 18 years, and Fluency of the English language is essential.

Course Duration                     :           12 weeks (3 Months) – part time study

Contact Hours                         :           3 Hrs. per week of study time

Total No. of Classes               :           12 class-contact sessions

Total No. of Contact Hours :          36 Hrs. of Lectures and discussion time

Class Times                               :           Fridays: 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Individual Fast-Track Class: Flexible (3 hours per week – on weekdays only)

Course Contents – What you will learn:

1. What is Psychology?
2. Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
3. Debates in Psychology
4, Introduction to Biological Psychology
5. Introduction to Developmental Psychology
6. Behaviorist and Cognitive Approaches
7. Introduction to Cognitive Development
8. Introduction to Perception in Psychology
9. Introduction to Thinking (Cognition)
10. Introduction to Remembering (Memory)
11. Introduction to Forgetting
12. Introduction to Social Influence
13. Introduction to the Person-Centred Approach
14. 26 Video Learning Modules:
– 14.1 Why Study Psychology
– 14.2 Research Methods in Psychology
– 14.3 The Nervous System
– 14.4 The Neuron and Neural Transmission
– 14.5 Sensation and Perception
– 14.6 Consciousness
– 14.7 Learning – Classical and Operant Conditioning
– 14.8 Learning – Observational and Cognitive Approaches
– 14.9 Memory
– 14.10 Language and Cognition
– 14.11 Intelligence
– 14.12 Motivation
– 14.13 Emotions
– 14.14 Infant & Child Development
– 14.15 Adolescent and Adult Development
– 14.16 Gender and Sexuality
– 14.17 Personality Theories
– 14.18 Personality Traits and Assessment
– 14.19 Social Cognition
– 14.20 Attitudes
– 14.21 Group Behavior and Group Influence
– 14.22 Stress, Health and Coping
– 14.23 Understanding Psychological Disorders – Part 1
– 14.24 Understanding Psychological Disorders – Part 2
-14.25 Introduction to Psychological Therapies
– 14.26 Making Psychology Part of Your Life

Mode of Final Examination and Assessment

The award of the IMH Certificate General Psychology will be contingent upon passing a 2-hour internally set unseen essay type final Examination paper to be answered on a closed book examination mode under invigilation at the Institute premises in Colombo-04.

Regular Group Course Fees        :          Rs. 38,000/- +  Rs. 1,000/- for registration (Full course fee of Rs. 39,000/- to be paid by cash, credit  card or cheque)

Individual Course Fees                :           Rs. 79,000/- +  Rs. 1,000/- for registration (Could be paid by cash, credit card or cheque in two equal installments of Rs. 40,000/-)

Online / Distance Learning Course Fees :  USD $100 or Rs. 30,000/- (for foreign students and other professionals and  healthcare workers living out of the Western Province in Sri Lanka will be considered on an individual case-by-case basis).

Next Course Start Date              :  Group Class: Friday 10th  June 2020 (A maximum of 20 students will be enrolled for the group class)

Individual Class: On a mutually agreeable timetable schedule – date and time (to be decided jointly by the participant and the resource person).

Resource Person                          : Dr. Sir Romes Jayasinghe, OLS, Ph.D.(Psy.), Dh.C.(Florida), Grad.Dip.Ed.(UK), FRSM(UK), FRSPH(UK), FTBCCT(UK), MBCS(UK), Educator / Trainer, Psychotherapist, Certified Master Life Coach (USA), Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (ICBCH, USA), Diploma in DBT(UK), Certified Advanced CBT Therapist (UK), Diploma in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), UK, Certified Relationship Coach (CPR, USA), Certified NLP Practitioner (USA), Health Coach (UK), Certified Nutritionist (UK), Nutritional Therapist (UK)