Conferences / Forums / Seminars / Workshops / Conventions / Congresses and Summits Attended

  1. Competency Building for Sustainable Economic Growth – National Conference 2002 of the Sri Lanka Institute of Training and Development (SLITAD), June 2002, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  2. Human Resource Development for Conflict Resolution – 2nd National Conference 2003 of the Sri Lanka Institute of Training and Development (SLITAD), October 2003, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  3. SUNFO (Sri Lanka – United Nations Friendship Organisation) 17th Anniversary – National Heroes Day Forum and Commemoration Ceremony, May 2016, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  4. International Peace Day SUNFO Ceremony 2016, Peace workshop and Peace Media Dialogue was held at the National Museum of Sri Lanka, Colombo 7 on 21 September, 2016.
  5. SUNFO Global Village and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) Commemoration Forum and Ceremony, November 2016, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  6. International Congress of Integrated Medicines, 54th Anniversary of Medicina Alternativa and OIUCM in collaboration with Huaxia Chinese Medicine Development Foundation (China), Richmond – the Stylish Convention Hotel, July 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
  7. Yoga and Wellness Pre-Congress Workshop and Seminar conducted by Roland Yakubov (from the USA) and Mickey Mehta (from India), 54th Anniversary of Medicina Alternativa and the OIUCM at the BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 20th November 2016
  8. World Congress of Integrative Medicines, 54th Anniversary of Medicina Alternativa and OIUCM, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 2016
  9. Participated as a Member of the Development Panel from January 2017 to April 2017 for the Development of the National Competency Standards (NVQ Levels 4 and 5) and Assessment Resources for the Psychological Counselling Sector with the Standards Setting and Curriculum Development Section of the National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority (NAITA) of Sri Lanka
  10. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) – SUNFO Global Village to promote Global Co-operation Commemoration Forum, February 2017, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  11. Women Empowerment and Sustainable Development Goals Workshop and Ceremony organised by SUNFO (Sri Lanka – United Nations Friendship Organisation), Auditorium of the National Museum of Sri Lanka in Colombo, April 2017
  12. Asian Congress of Iridology, April 2017, Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  13. World Food Day Commemoration – Seminar organised by Lanka Health Care Hospital & Academy (LHCHA) together with Tiens Lanka held on October 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka
  14. World Congress of Integrative Medicines, 55th Anniversary of Medicina Alternativa and OIUCM, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 2017
  15. Workshop and Seminar on Expressive Arts Approaches to Working with Trauma conducted by Professor Vivien Marcow Speiser, Ph.D., LMHC, REAT, BC-DMT, Professor and Director of the Institute for Arts and Health in The Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences, Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (MA), USA., and Dr. Phillip Speiser, PhD, REAT, RDT/BC who is an expressive arts educator / therapist, drama & music therapist, and psychodramatist who has developed and implemented integrated arts therapy and educational programs for over three decades. January 2018, Renuka City Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  16. 2nd Global Business Leadership Forum 2018, Unified Brainz Group of India in collaboration with CIAC, CIHF and WPDO (World Peace & Diplomacy Organisation), April 2018, ITC Grand Central Hotel, Mumbai, India
  17. International Peace Day Conference 2018, September 2018, organized by the Centre for Peace Studies (CPS), BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  18. International Leadership Summit 2018, 29th October 2018, Mount Lavinia Hotel, Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka – organized by the World Peace and Diplomacy Organisation (WPDO) and Unified Brainz Group of India
  19. World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) 2018, 12 -13 November 2018, Doha, Qatar, was invited by the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development as an official Delegate from Sri Lanka.
  20. World Congress of Integrative Medicines, 56th Anniversary of Medicina Alternativa and OIUCM, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 2018
  21. World Summit on Psychiatry, Mental Health Nursing and Healthcare & International Conference on Applied Psychology, Psychiatry and Mental Health, November 26-27, 2018 | Los Angeles, USA
  22. ASIA PACIFIC World Mental Health Day 2020 Webinar, The Impact of Covid-19 on Workplace Mental Health in Sri Lanka by Dr. Sir Romesh Jayasinghe, 19 October 2020, Organized by the Mental Health Association in Taiwan.
  23. 20th International Conference on Applied Psychology and Psychiatry, October 12-13, 2020, Webinar, UK, Organizing Committee Member (OCM)
  24. Chief Guest at the B.Sc. in Psychology – University of London Degree Program Launching  Ceremony of Royal Institute of Colombo, on the 31st March, 2022, held at the Royal Institute International Auditorium in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  25. Speaker at the 3rd Edition of the Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry, October 24-26, 2022 | Orlando, Florida, USA
  26. United Nation Intergovernmental Organization (UN-IGO) and National Academy of Defense and Security Planning  (NASDP) Joint Convention and Graduation Ceremony held on the 06th of July 2023 at the Luxent Hotel in Manila, Philippines
  27. Institute of Mental Health (IMH) Graduation and Awards Ceremony – 2024, held at a the Lotus Hall, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka on the 27th of October 2024
  28. Chief Guest at the Graduation Ceremony of Gatwick College of Business and Technology – 2025, held at the Main Hall at the BMICH in Colombo, Sri Lanka on the 12th of January 2025.