Certificate of Recognition, Internal Affairs Service (IAS), National Police Commission, National Headquarters, Philippine National Police, 7th July, 2023, Quenzon City, Philippines
Plaque of Recognition, National Academy of Security and Defense Planning (NASDP), Romania, at the UN-IGO and NASDP Joint Convention, awarded in Manila, Philippines on the 6th of July, 2023.
Certificate of Honor, International Day of Peace, United Nations Global Services (UNGS), USA, 21 September 2021
Humanitarian Volunteer Award 2021, United Nations Global Services (UNGS), USA, August 2021
Healthcare in Excellentia Award, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Institute (CAMRI), India, awarded at the BMICH in Colombo, November 2018
Certificate of Excellence Award from the International Alternative Medical Council (IAMC), Islamabad, Pakistan, November 2017.
Gandhi Certificate of World Peace Defender Without Violence, Institute of Education for Peace (IEP), Brazil, August 2017.
International Commission of Diplomatic Relations, Human Rights and Peace (ICDRHRP) Medal of Excellence awarded in Manila, Philippines in June 2017.
IBAM Gold Medal for contribution in the field of Mental Health, Indian Board of Alternative Medicines (IBAM), India, awarded at the BMICH in Colombo, November 2016.
Prof. Lakshman Madurasinghe Academic Gold Medal, November 2016, Awarded by Prof. Dr. Sir Raja Khurram Shehzad Kiyani, Vice Chancellor – SAARC Region, The Open International University for Complementary Medicines (OIUCM).
Swami Vivekananda Global Award, November 2016, Community Welfare Foundation, India.
WPDO Crusader of the Century – Gold Medal Award of Excellence, Nov 2016, World Peace and Diplomacy Organization (WPDO), India in affiliation with CIAC Global and CIHF.
Honoured with the International Educator of the Year 2007 Gold Medal Award, International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England, UK.
Honoured with The Plato Award for significant contributions to Teaching, April 2006, International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England, UK.
Chosen and listed as one of the “2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century” – 2005 – onwards, International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England, UK.
Honoured with the International Professional of the Year 2005 Award, International Biographical Centre (IBC), September 2005, Cambridge, England, UK.
Biography listed in the Dictionary of International Biography, 33rd Edition onwards, 2005-onward, International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England, UK.
Awarded the Institute of Data Processing Management (IDPM), Kent, England (UK) World Prize Gold Medal – for my outstanding performance in the 3 hour external Data Processing II (DPII) – Diploma level Examination paper which I undertook in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in December 1994.
Conferences / Forums / Workshops / Seminars / Conventions / Congresses and Summits Attended