Advanced Diploma in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology – November 2024 Intake


Course Title               :    144 Hours Advanced Diploma in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

Course Description               :

Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology is a sub-field of psychology where highly skilled mental health clinicians work to assess and treat children, adolescents and youths who are dealing with mental, physical, emotional, and behavioral disorders.

Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology is defined by the American Psychological Association (APA) as a specialty in professional psychology that develops and applies scientific knowledge to the delivery of psychological services to infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents within their social context.

If you want to get an in-depth and comprehensive  knowledge of the Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology industry sector and help troubled children and adolescents and their parents as a globally qualified, recognized and skilled “Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist or Counsellor”, enroll in our new premier, thorough and up-to-date 06 Months duration Internationally Accredited 144 Hours Advanced Diploma Course in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

The Advanced Diploma in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology course is focused on the academic study of the mental, emotional, social, and learning curves of children and adolescents. In this course, we will dive into infant, child and adolescent development. You’ll discover that child and adolescent development is complicated and influenced by a surprising number of elements at multiple levels, these include environmental factors such as family structures, sibling influences, culture, the media, and biological factors. Once you’ve figured out the root cause of the child’s problem, the course will further educate you on how to teach parents and teachers how to better cope with the child using various strategies and techniques, which will help them connect with him.

This Advanced Diploma program is a complete and premier course designed by professionals and experts in the field. The tried and tested methods that you will learn in this course will help you understand the problems that children go through and how to respond to them. Its a thorough course that delves into how heredity influences a child’s physical and mental development, as well as how children with mental disabilities and behavioral disorders are cognitively and emotionally impaired and how this affects them and their families.

This comprehensive and in-depth course will teach you the strategies and techniques that you can utilize when dealing with a child or teenager who is exhibiting behaviour that is difficult to deal with. You will understand and learn how to connect with the child / teen and go to the root of the problem.

This Advanced Diploma program in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology is an advanced level course for understanding the problems that children and adolescents go through and how to effectively clinically assess and respond to them. It is a comprehensive course that offers unique insights into how genetics and the environment play a role in the physical, socio-emotional, moral and mental development of a child and how children with mental disabilities and behavioral disorders are cognitively impaired and how it affects them and their families.

For whom (target group):              Psychologists, counsellors, social workers, medical doctors, nurses, speech therapists, occupational therapists, special education teachers, and other educational and healthcare professionals working with children and adolescents.

Entry Requirements:                         Graduates in Medicine, Psychology or Social Work, Biomedical Sciences, Science, Education, ECD/ECE, Sociology, Medical doctors, nurses and other teachers and healthcare practitioners / professionals with a Diploma or HND in Psychology or a Diploma in Counselling or Child Psychology and age not less than 23 years, and Fluency of the English language is essential.

Course Duration                           :           24 weeks (6.0 Months) – part time study

Weekly Class Hours  Hours      :           03 Hours of lectures and group discussion time per week

Total No. of Study Hours           :           72 Hrs. of physical group class study time

Total No. of Self-Study Time   :           72 Hrs. of independent self-study time at home (homework)

Total No. of Study Hours            :           144 Hrs.

46 Course Modules / Lessons  :           Divided into 7 Sections

Section 1: Developing Competencies
1a: Contextual Influences upon Social and Emotional Development

1. Family and Systemic Influences
2. Sibling Influences
3. Culture and Child Development
4. Neurobehavioral Development in Infancy
5. Genetic and Biological Influences
6. Clinical Evaluation of Development from Birth to Five Years
7. Early Social and Emotional Experience
8. Language Development

1b: General Patterns of Development
9. Development of Social Cognition
10. Social and Emotional Development in Middle Childhood
11. Social Cognitive Development During Adolescence

Section 2: Promoting Well-Being
12. Promoting Infant Mental Health
13. Promoting Children’s Well Being
14. Fostering Resilience in Adolescents

Section 3: Attachment and Separation
15. Attachment Theory: Research and Clinical Implications
16. Children Bereaved by Parent or Sibling Death
17. Adoption and Fostering

Section 4: The Impact of Trauma and Maltreatment
18. Stress and Reactions to Stress in Children
19. Child Maltreatment
20. The Neuroscience and Genetics of Childhood Maltreatment

Section 5: Atypical Development
5a: Infancy and Early Childhood
21. Feeding and Eating Disorders in Infancy and Childhood
22. Literacy Disorders

5b: Middle Childhood
23. Autism Spectrum Disorders
24. Somatization and Somatoform Disorders
25. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
26. Challenges in Child and Adolescent Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
27. Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
28. Childhood Behavioral Disorders
29. Specific Language Impairment

5c: Adolescence
30. Depression and Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents
31. Eating Disorders in Adolescence
32. Substance Misuse in Young People
33. Early Onset Bipolar Disorder

Section 6: Assessment
34. Emerging Personality Disorder
35. Diagnostic Classification
36. Pediatric Neuropsychological Assessment I
37. Pediatric Neuropsychological Assessment II
38. Assessment of Child Psychiatric Disorders
39. Psychological Assessment
40. Family Therapy Assessment

Section 7: Approaches to Intervention
41. Discovering Psychiatric Pharmacogenomics
42. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Children and Adolescents
43. Parenting Programs for Conduct Problems
44. Systemic and Family Approaches to Intervention
45. Psychotherapeutic Approaches: A Psychodynamic Perspective
46. Pediatric Psychopharmacology – Special Considerations

  • The current 2024 all-inclusive Course Fees for new and past IMH  Students is as follows:

For Non-IMH Students: Rs. 105,000/- payable in three convenient bimonthly installments of Rs. 35,000/- by cash, card or cheque.

For Previous IMH Diploma Students : Rs. 90,000/- (Discounted course fee by Rs. 15,000/-) payable in three convenient bimonthly installments of Rs. 30,000/- by cash, card or cheque.

Course Start Date (Batch 03)                 : Physical Group Class: Saturday 09th November 2024 (Only 20 eligible students will be enrolled for the physical group class)

Week-end Class Times                            : Saturdays  4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

  • Final Course Assessment / Evaluation:

The award of the IMH Internationally Accredited Advanced Diploma in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (Adv.Dip.CCAP) will be contingent upon passing a 3-hour internally set unseen essay type final examination paper to be answered on a closed book examination mode at the IMH premises under exam supervision / invigilation.

  • International Course Accreditations:

This course is fully Endorsed and Accredited by the Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH), UK




This course is fully Endorsed and Accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH), Ireland





Course Lecturers / Resource Persons:

  • Prof. Sir Romesh Jayasinghe, OLS, Ph.D.(Psy.), Dh.C.(Florida), FRSM(UK), FRSPH(UK), FACCPH(UK), FTBCCT(UK), MBCS(UK), Grad.Dip.Ed.(London), Higher Diploma (IDPM, Kent), Adv.Dip.(Psychiatry), Adv.Dip.(Clinical Psychology), Adv.Dip.(Neuroscience), Adv.Dip.(Psychology), Adv.Dip.(Child Psychology), H.I.Dip.(Complementary Therapies), Dip.(Adv. Counselling & Psychotherapy), Dip.(Children’s Mental Health), Dip.(Child Psychology), Dip.(Special Education Needs), Dip.(Speech and Language Therapy), Dip.(Nutrition Science), Dip.CBT(UK), Dip.(Couples Therapy), Dip.(Human Rights), Dip.(Forensic Psychology), Cert.(Child Counselling), Cert.(Public Health and Disease Control), Cert.(Integrative Mental Health), Cert.(Forensic Medicine), Educator / Trainer, Counselling Psychologist, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, Certified Child & Adolescent Counsellor (UK), Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist (USA), Certified Master Life Coach (USA), Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist – Advanced (USA), Certified Coach in Self-Esteem Elevation for Children (USA), Certified Relationship Coach (USA), Health and Wellness Coach (USA), Certified Nutritionist (UK), Nutritional Therapist (UK), Public Health Consultant (UK), Certified Human Rights Consultant (USIDHR, USA)

Foreign Affiliate Member of the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, USA (Division 53 of the American Psychological Association – APA), USA


  • Dr. Kalharie N. Pitigala, Ph.D. in Psychology and Social Sciences -University of Colombo, M.Sc. in Clinical and Health Psychology – University of West London , Master in Business Psychology -University of Colombo, Counselling, Child and Adolescent Psychologist (Visiting Consultant) at Asiri Medical Hospitals, Sri Lanka
  • Deshamanya Dr. Ajay Jeyaseelan, MBBS, MCGP(SL), MITBCCT(UK), MBA(Cardiff Met-UK), Dip in Psychology & Counselling (IMH-SL), Adv. Dip. in Teaching & Training (City & Guilds- UK). Family Physician / Psychological Counselor
  • Ms. Maya Dissanayake, M.Sc., CLC, Child Development and Child Education Specialist

Course Eligibility Assessment and Registration / Enrollment:

For course eligibility evaluation, registration or further details please email us your request to enroll for this course by attaching your CV or including details of your academic and/or professional qualifications and any relevant professional or volunteer work experience to: